TIOVX User Guide
TIOVX Build & Run Instructions

Build instructions for x86_64 Linux Platform (HOST Emulation Mode)


  • Tested on Ubuntu Linux x86_64 machine, v22.04 LTS
  • Tested with GCC 11
  • Download and Run PSDK RTOS Add-on package installer file ti-processor-sdk-rtos-${SOC}-evm-xx_xx_xx_xx-linux-x64-installer.run on a Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64). This package contains performance datasheet documentation as well as PC compiled cmodel libraries for VPAC and DMPAC OpenVX nodes.
    The installer is available only through TI mySecure login.
    To Request access for PSDK RTOS Add-on Packages the first time: [LINK]
    mySecure SW Access Link (after access has been granted) : [LINK]
  • Do below to download and install additional dependencies needed to build TIOVX
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}


  • Edit sdk_builder/tools_path.mak
    • Modify "GCC_LINUX_ROOT" to match your environment if needed


  • Open a command prompt at $TIOVX_PATH
  • Type "make" to build TIOVX and associated libraries
    • This builds the TIOVX libraries, conformance tests, and tutorial executables
    • This uses pre-built library for VXLIB, from "$TIOVX_PATH\lib\PC\x86_64\LINUX\$PROFILE\*.a"
    • The pre-built libraries are compiled in 64bit x86 host emulation mode
  • Conformance test, tutorial executable is output at
    • "$TIOVX_PATH\out\PC\x86_64\LINUX\debug\vx_conformance_tests_exe"
    • "$TIOVX_PATH\out\PC\x86_64\LINUX\debug\vx_tutorial_exe"

Running the conformance test and tutorial

  • Open a command prompt at the folder "$TIOVX_PATH/out/PC/x86_64/LINUX/$PROFILE/"
  • Download and untar the test_data package from the associated release page
  • Set the environment variable below to specify the path of the test data. This is used by both the conformance test and tutorial executables
    export VX_TEST_DATA_PATH=<path_to_untarred_test_data>
  • Execute "./vx_conformance_tests_exe" to run the conformance test
  • Execute "./vx_tutorial_exe" to run the tutorial
  • NOTE: Output .bmp/.png files generated by the tutorial will be present in the folder $VX_TEST_DATA_PATH

Build instructions for J7 EVM Platform (Target Mode)

  • TIOVX is built for the J7 SoC as a part of the SDK Builder "make sdk" command. Please refer to the Vision Apps User Guide for more details.

Makefile build options (found in Makefile and/or sdk_builder/build_flags.mak)

Build Options

Build Option Description Default Setting
PROFILE Determines which profile to build for
Valid values are:
release, debug, all
BUILD_EMULATION_MODE Builds PC emulation mode yes
BUILD_EMULATION_ARCH PC emulation architecture.
Valid values are: X86 x86_64 all
BUILD_TARGET_MODE Builds for target SoC platform like TDAxx yes
BUILD_CONFORMANCE_TEST Builds entire test suite executable yes
BUILD_IVISION_KERNELS Builds iVision kernels (EVE_SW_PATH required to be set for this build) no
BUILD_BAM Builds DMA wrapper (DMAUTILS_PATH and ALGFRAMEWORK_PATH required to be set for this build) no
BUILD_TUTORIAL Builds OpenVX tutorial yes
BUILD_LINUX_MPU Builds for A72 Linux target (NOT used in PC HOST emulation mode yes
BUILD_EVE Builds for EVE platform (ARP32CGT_ROOT and EVE_SW_PATH required to be set for this build) no
BUILD_SDK Builds for SDK SW platform
Valid values are,
psdkra for Processor SDK RTOS J7 platform
BUILD_IGNORE_LIB_ORDER When set to yes, it ignores the static library order listed in makefiles when building on the PC. yes
BUILD_CT_KHR Builds and includes the Khronos OpenVX 1.1 conformance tests suite. yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX Builds and includes the TI-added tests suite (for TI extensions and additional rohbustness testing). yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_TEST_KERNELS Builds and includes the TI-added tests suite (for testing custom kernel interface). yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_IVISION Builds and includes the tests for IVISION kernels test suite. no
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_TIDL Builds and includes the tests for TIDL kernel test suite. yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_HWA Builds and includes the tests for HWA kernels test suite. yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_HWA_NEGATIVE_TESTS Builds and includes a large set of negative tests for HWA kernels yes
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_HWA_DISPLAY_TESTS Builds and includes display test cases
Note: in order to run on J7 platform, a display must be connected
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_HWA_CAPTURE_TESTS Builds and includes a large set of negative tests for HWA kernels
Note: in order to run on J7 platform, 4 IMX390 cameras must be connected to a Fusion board which is connected to the EVM
BUILD_CT_TIOVX_HWA_CSITX_TESTS Builds and includes csitx test cases
Note: in order to run on J7 platform, the following setup is required:
  • EVM Board Configuration: By default DPHY is connected to FPD Panel (DSI-TX), it has to be changed to DSI FPC(CSI-TX).
  • J7X LI(Leopard Imaging) Serial Capture Board
  • FPC Cable: Connect Csitx to Csirx.
This test uses CSIRX to receive the data transmitted by CSITX, hence lane speed for both modules should be same. This tests confgiures the CSITX lane speed to 800 Mbps.

Deleting all generated files

  • To do a clean build, do "make clean"
  • To manually delete generated files do below
    Delete directory out/