TIOVX Release Notes

Version: 09.00.00


  1. Introduction
  2. Licensing
  3. Getting Started
  4. Documentation
  5. What's New
  6. Upgrade and Compatibility Information
  7. Device Support
  8. Validation Information
  9. Fixed Issues
  10. Known Issues
  11. Change Requests
  12. Technical Support
  13. Package Versioning


The TIOVX package consists of the Texas Instruments OpenVX conformant implementation for Jacinto7 platform


The licensing information of this library, as well as any third-party components included which are made available under a number of other open-source licenses are enumerated as part of the manifest. A complete manifest along with export control information is detailed here [HTML].

Getting Started

The TIOVX User Guide [HTML] provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI's platforms using TIOVX.


Refer to following documentation for further details:

TIOVX User Guide Build instructions, API Guide, tutorials, tool documentation, etc [HTML]
Test Reports Conformance test reports, TI platform test reports [XLSX]
Software Manifest Licenses, terms of use [HTML]
Static Analysis Report C and C++ Taxonomy Report [XLSX]
Bidirectional Traceability Report Traceability reports of MR to FR to Test [XLSX]

What's New

No new features were introduced in this release

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

In this release there were some restructuring changes which resulted in several components moving from the TIOVX component into other components. Please reference the SDK top level developer notes for details about this structural change.

In particular, one of the major changes impacting TIOVX is how the header file inclusions work going forward.

Prior to this release, by including the tivx.h header file, all extension kernel header files were also included by default. However, from this release going forward, the specific kernel header files must also be included in addition to the tivx.h file.

Additionally, as discussion in the SDK top level developer note on the migration of SDK components, the OpenVX kernels for HWA's, TIDL, and video IO have moved into separate component directories from TIOVX.

Device Support

SoC Target (OS) Test Plaform
J721E x86_64 (Linux) x86_64 Linux with Ubuntu 22.04
J721E R5F, C6x, C7x running FreeRTOS or SafeRTOS
A72 running Linux Kernel v6.1 or QNX

Validation Information

This release was built and validated using the following tools:

Build Tools (included in Processor SDK RTOS):

Dependencies (included in Processor SDK RTOS):

Dependencies (NOT included in Processor SDK RTOS):

Refer user guide [HTML] for instructions to install and setup above dependancies.

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
TIOVX-1347 appMemFree in QNX does not make the bufs[i].pid =0
TIOVX-1336 Memalloc in PC emulation for newly added regions is redirected to the gL2RAM_mem (10 MB) region

Known Issues

ID Summary
TIOVX-1354 QNX memory utils does not support coherent thread safety for release/reimport
TIOVX-1344 Display conformance tests giving wrong output for ADAS image (J721E, J721S2, J784S4)
TIOVX-1340 In TIVX_LOG_RT Tool, No of frames for VISS node is double as compared to other nodes in single-cam application
TIOVX-1338 [CSITX]: No clean exit when buffers are not enqueued
TIOVX-1309 Canny robustness test failing on PC emulation with full conformance test suite
TIOVX-1297 vxScaleImageNode Upsampling output is not as expected for fractional scaling
TIOVX-1241 Intermittent, but repeatable failures TIOVX in conformance tests
TIOVX-1238 Frame Freeze in QNX when LDC node, Mosaic node and a Display node added to SRV demo
TIOVX-1023 tivxGraphPipeline.MaxDataRef disabled due to failure caused by boundary condition
TIOVX-823 TIOVX delay parameters with pipelining result in serialization of nodes
TIOVX-569 Bmp utils do not work for loading RGBX images
VXLIB-371 Multiply iS16 iS16 oS16 with 1/255 as scaling factor fails for X86 target

Change Requests


Technical Support

For technical support and additional assistance, contact local TI Field Application Engineer

Package Versioning

Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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