TI Deep Learning Product User Guide
TIDL_CreateParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure contains all the parameters which TI DL library at create time.

Data Fields

IVISION_Params visionParams
int32_t currLayersGroupId
int32_t isInbufsPaded
int32_t optimiseExtMem
float32_tidl quantRangeExpansionFactor
float32_tidl quantRangeUpdateFactor
int32_t traceLogLevel
int32_t traceWriteLevel
int32_t reservedCtrl
int32_t flowCtrl
float32_tidl maxPreEmptDelay
void * traceBaseName
void * udmaDrvObj
uint32_t targetPriority
TIDL_Lock_t pFxnLock
TIDL_Unlock_t pFxnUnLock
int32_t(* TIDLVprintf )(const char *format, va_list arg)
void * tracePtr
int32_t(* TIDLWriteBinToFile )(const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size, void *tracePtr)
int32_t(* TIDLReadBinFromFile )(const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)
int32_t(* TIDL_CustomLayerProcess )(void *tidlHandle, sTIDL_Layer_t *tidlLayer, void *inPtrs[], void *outPtrs[], void *params, void *dmaUtilsContext, const sTIDL_sysMemHandle_t sysMems[TIDL_SYSMEM_MAX], int32_t execMode)
 Custom Layer Process API. More...

Field Documentation

◆ visionParams

IVISION_Params TIDL_CreateParams::visionParams

Common parameters for all ivision based modules

◆ currLayersGroupId

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::currLayersGroupId

Group ID of the each layer

◆ isInbufsPaded

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::isInbufsPaded

Indicates Whether the input buffers are padded or Not.

◆ optimiseExtMem

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::optimiseExtMem

Optimization level for External memory used bu TIDL

◆ quantRangeExpansionFactor

float32_tidl TIDL_CreateParams::quantRangeExpansionFactor

Expansion factor used for range of activation while quantization

◆ quantRangeUpdateFactor

float32_tidl TIDL_CreateParams::quantRangeUpdateFactor

Update factor used for range of activation while quantization

◆ traceLogLevel

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::traceLogLevel

Level for debug messages

◆ traceWriteLevel

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::traceWriteLevel

Level for debug trace dumps of tensors and other data buffers

◆ reservedCtrl

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::reservedCtrl

Reserved control for debug

◆ flowCtrl

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::flowCtrl

control for selecting different flows. Applicable only for advanced user

◆ maxPreEmptDelay

float32_tidl TIDL_CreateParams::maxPreEmptDelay

Maximum Tolerated delay for TIDL pre-emption in milliSecond, The delay is assuming C7x processor frequency as 1GHz. If the clocked frequency is different then this variable should be scaled up/down appropriately. Example : to achieve pre-emption within 3 ms (wall clock delay): CPU clocked frequency: 1000 MHz, then maxPreEmptDelay = 3 CPU clocked frequency: 2000 MHz, then maxPreEmptDelay = 6 CPU clocked frequency: 500 MHz, then maxPreEmptDelay = 1.5

◆ traceBaseName

void* TIDL_CreateParams::traceBaseName

trace files base Name

◆ udmaDrvObj

void* TIDL_CreateParams::udmaDrvObj

UDMA driver object pointer . Note : All the addresses given to TIDL are assumed to be virtual addresses. If udma driver is initialized with virtual to physical function pointer initPrms.virtToPhyFxn then the same function will be used for this conversion in TIDL whereever it is needed.

◆ net

sTIDL_Network_t* TIDL_CreateParams::net

Pointer to TILD Model/Network

◆ targetPriority

uint32_t TIDL_CreateParams::targetPriority

Target priority for Object, can be unique number but has to be less than TIDL_MAX_PRIORITY_LEVEL

◆ pFxnLock

TIDL_Lock_t TIDL_CreateParams::pFxnLock

Call back Function pointer to lock critical section/interrupts

◆ pFxnUnLock

TIDL_Unlock_t TIDL_CreateParams::pFxnUnLock

Call back Function pointer to unlock critical section/interrupts

◆ TIDLVprintf

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLVprintf) (const char *format, va_list arg)

Call back Function pointer to Write Log

◆ tracePtr

void* TIDL_CreateParams::tracePtr

Trace buffer pointer to write trace buffers when TIDL running in multiple instances

◆ TIDLWriteBinToFile

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLWriteBinToFile) (const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size, void *tracePtr)

Call back Function pointer to Write Binary data to a file

◆ TIDLReadBinFromFile

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLReadBinFromFile) (const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)

Call back Function pointer to read data from a binary file

◆ TIDL_CustomLayerProcess

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDL_CustomLayerProcess) (void *tidlHandle, sTIDL_Layer_t *tidlLayer, void *inPtrs[], void *outPtrs[], void *params, void *dmaUtilsContext, const sTIDL_sysMemHandle_t sysMems[TIDL_SYSMEM_MAX], int32_t execMode)

Custom Layer Process API.

tidlHandlePointer to the tidlHandle.
tidlLayerTIDL layer parameters. Refer sTIDL_Layer_t for details.
inPtrsInput buffers to custom layer.
outPtrsOutput buffers from custom layer.
paramsCustom layer parameters.
dmaUtilsContextPointer to DMA Utils Handle. Current TIDL initializes 12 DMA channels and same can be used by custom layer
sysMemsSystem Memory Handle.
execModeExecution mode of custom layer process API. Refer eTIDL_CustomLayerExecMode for details.