TI Deep Learning Product User Guide
sTIDL_CustomParams_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure defines the parameters for custom layer in TIDL.

Data Fields

int32_t customLayerType
int32_t padW
int32_t padH
int32_t memOverlapType
int32_t forceInPlace
int32_t doesLayerChangePadding
int32_t doesLayerFillOutXPadding
int32_t rsvdPassThrough
int32_t rsvdPassThroughSize

Field Documentation

◆ customLayerType

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::customLayerType

Type of the custom layer

◆ padW

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::padW

Horizontal Padding requirement in number of elements. This is the padding amount expected by the processing function on input

◆ padH

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::padH

Vertical Padding requirement in number of elements.This is the padding amount expected by the processing function on input

◆ memOverlapType

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::memOverlapType

Parameter specifying whether input and output memory can overlap 0: Input cannot be overwritten by output 1: Input can be overwritten by input Note : By default this will be 0

◆ forceInPlace

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::forceInPlace

Parameter specifying whether the layer should be forced to do in place operation 0: Output is not forced to be in palce 1: Output is forced to be in palce Note : By default this will be 0

◆ doesLayerChangePadding

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::doesLayerChangePadding

Parameter to indicate whether the input and output padding of the custom layer can change or not. This information is used by TIDL to reomve the output padding if consumer layer's doesn't need it and similarly add output padding if required by the consumer layer's. Note : By default this will be 0

◆ doesLayerFillOutXPadding

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::doesLayerFillOutXPadding

This parameter indicates whether the custom layer can fill the column padding area with zero as parts of its processing. As such TIDL always perform the padding in Y direction (top and bottom padding, marked as y in below figure) so it is advisable that custom layer writer doesn't worry about making the padding pixels in Y direction to be zero. But in X direction (Left and right padding) padding pixels can be zeroed out by custom layer writer if it is easy and optimal as part of kernel processing of that layer and if not then TIDL will perform the padding. Another point to note is that TIDL has only one padding in X direction and it uses the same padding for left and right padding. This is how the padding layout looks in the buffer, here "y" is the top and bottom padding region, x is the left padding and "-" the active region of the kernel. Note that there is no right padding in the buffer, so processing function is expected to use this layout for processing:

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y------------------------— x------------------------— x------------------------— x------------------------— x------------------------— x------------------------— xyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y

Note : By default this will be 0

◆ rsvdPassThrough

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::rsvdPassThrough

This is a pass through variable and user shouldn't program/update it

◆ rsvdPassThroughSize

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::rsvdPassThroughSize

This is a pass through variable and user shouldn't program/update it