Fls.h File Reference


This file contains interface header for Fls MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Fls_SectorType
 FLS Module Flashable Sectors and pages. More...
struct  Fls_ConfigType
 FLS Module Configuration Structure. More...


FLS Driver Module SW Version Info

Defines for FLS Driver version used for compatibility checks

 Driver Implementation Major Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Minor Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Patch Version. More...
FLS Driver Module AUTOSAR Version Info

Defines for FLS Driver AUTOSAR version used for compatibility checks

 AUTOSAR Major version specification implemented by FLS Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Minor version specification implemented by FLS Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Patch version specification implemented by FLS Driver. More...
FLS Driver ID Info
#define FLS_VENDOR_ID   ((uint16) 44U)
 Texas Instruments Vendor ID. More...
#define FLS_MODULE_ID   ((uint16) 92U)
 FLS Driver Module ID. More...
#define FLS_INSTANCE_ID   ((uint8) 0U)
 FLS Driver Instance ID. More...
FLS Error Codes

Error codes returned by FLS functions

#define FLS_E_PARAM_CONFIG   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define FLS_E_PARAM_ADDRESS   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define FLS_E_PARAM_LENGTH   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define FLS_E_PARAM_DATA   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define FLS_E_UNINIT   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 API service used without module initiali-zation. More...
#define FLS_E_BUSY   ((uint8) 0x06U)
 APIs called when module is busy. More...
#define FLS_E_PARAM_POINTER   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 APIs called with a Null Pointer. More...
#define FLS_E_VERIFY_ERASE_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x07U)
 APIs service Erase Verification (BlankCheck) failed. More...
#define FLS_E_VERIFY_WRITE_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x08U)
 APIs serice Write Verification (Compare) failed. More...
#define FLS_E_TIMEOUT   ((uint8) 0x09U)
 APIs Timeout Exceeded. More...
#define FLS_E_ERASE_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 Flash Erase Failed in HW. More...
#define FLS_E_WRITE_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 Flash Write Failed in HW. More...
#define FLS_E_READ_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 Flash Read Failed in HW. More...
#define FLS_E_COMPARE_FAILED   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 Flash Compare Failediin HW. More...
#define FLS_E_UNEXPECTED_FLASH_ID   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Expected HW ID not matched. More...
FLS Service Ids

The Service Id is one of the argument to Det_ReportError function and is used to identify the source of the error

#define FLS_SID_INIT   ((uint8) 0x00U)
 FLS_Init() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_ERASE   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 FLS_Erase() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_WRITE   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 FLS_Write() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_CANCEL   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 FLS_Cancel() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_GET_STATUS   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 FLS_GetStatus() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_GET_JOB_RESULT   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Fls_GetJobResult() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_READ   ((uint8) 0x07U)
 FLS_Read() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_COMPARE   ((uint8) 0x08U)
 FLS_Compare() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_SET_MODE   ((uint8) 0x09U)
 FLS_SetMode() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO   ((uint8) 0x10U)
 Fls_GetVersionInfo() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_BLANK_CHECK   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 FLS_BlankCheck() API Service ID. More...
#define FLS_SID_MAIN_FUNCTION   ((uint8) 0x06U)
 FLS_MainFunction() API Service ID. More...


typedef uint32 Fls_AddressType
 Type of address type. More...
typedef uint32 Fls_LengthType


 Number of lines used for OSPI read/write transaction. More...


void Fls_SwitchMode (boolean dacEnable, boolean xipEnable)
 Switch Mode of the OSPI Driver Parameters (in) : boolean dacEnable - should DAC mode be enaled or disabled Parameters (in) : boolean xipEnable - should XIP mode be enaled or disabled Mode : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode) More...
void Fls_Init (const Fls_ConfigType *ConfigPtr)
 Initializes the Flash Driver. More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_Erase (Fls_AddressType TargetAddress, Fls_LengthType Length)
 Erases flash sector(s). More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_Write (Fls_AddressType TargetAddress, const uint8 *SourceAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
 Writes one or more complete flash pages. More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_Read (Fls_AddressType SourceAddress, uint8 *TargetAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
 Reads from flash memory.. More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_Compare (Fls_AddressType SourceAddress, const uint8 *TargetAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
 Compares the contents of an area of flash memory with that of an application data buffer. More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_BlankCheck (Fls_AddressType Address, Fls_LengthType Length)
 The function Fls_BlankCheck shall verify, whether a given memory area has been erased but not (yet) programmed. More...
MemIf_StatusType Fls_GetStatus (void)
 Returns the driver state. More...
Std_ReturnType Fls_GetVersionInfo (Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
 This service returns the version information of this module. More...
MemIf_JobResultType Fls_GetJobResult (void)
 Returns the result of the last job. More...
void Fls_MainFunction (void)
 Performs the processing of jobs. More...
void Fls_Cancel (void)
 Cancels an ongoing job. More...