PDK API Guide for J721E
RegisterIntr.h File Reference


Interrupt register routines.


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Osal Interrupt return Codes

#define OSAL_INT_SUCCESS   ((int32_t) 0)
#define OSAL_INT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS   ((int32_t) -1)
#define OSAL_INT_ERR_HWICREATE   ((int32_t) -2)
#define OSAL_INT_ERR_EVENTCOMBINER_REG   ((int32_t) -3)
#define OSAL_INT_ERR_DELETE   ((int32_t) -4)
#define OSAL_INT_UNSUPPORTED   ((int32_t) -5)
typedef int32_t OsalInterruptRetCode_e
 Return error codes for Osal Interrupt functions. More...

Data Structures

struct  OsalRegisterIntParams_corepac_t
 Interrupt Configuration parameters for the corepac (c6x/a15/m5/a8/a9) More...
struct  OsalRegisterIntParams_socmux_t
 Interrupt Configuration parameters for soc mux prior to reaching the core. More...
struct  OsalRegisterIntrParams_t
 Interrupt Configuration parameters This is the data structure used to configure the interrupts in the system. coreConfig: This part configures the interrupt for corepac such as c66x, arm, m4 socMuxConfig: This part configures the interrupt path for any SOC level mux such as CIC/GIC or cross bar, leading up to the corepac. More...


 For C6x, if intVec=16, then event combiner is to be used. More...


typedef void(* Osal_IsrRoutine) (uintptr_t arg)


void Osal_RegisterInterrupt_initParams (OsalRegisterIntrParams_t *interruptRegParams)
 Function to initialize the interrupt registration configuration data structure. More...
OsalInterruptRetCode_e Osal_RegisterInterruptDirect (OsalRegisterIntrParams_t *interruptRegParams, HwiP_DirectFxn isrFxn, HwiP_Handle *hwiPHandlePtr)
 Function to register direct interrupt with parameters provided. More...
OsalInterruptRetCode_e Osal_RegisterInterrupt (OsalRegisterIntrParams_t *interruptRegParams, HwiP_Handle *hwiPHandlePtr)
 Function to register interrupt with parameters provided. More...
OsalInterruptRetCode_e Osal_DeleteInterrupt (HwiP_Handle hwiPhandle, uint32_t corepacEventNum)
 Function to delete interrupt corresponding to an event number. More...
void Osal_EnableInterrupt (uint32_t corepacEvent, uint32_t interruptNum)
 Function to enable the interrupt corresponding to an event number. More...
void Osal_DisableInterrupt (uint32_t corepacEvent, uint32_t interruptNum)
 Function to disable the interrupt corresponding to an event number. More...
void Osal_ClearInterrupt (uint32_t corepacEvent, uint32_t interruptNum)
 Function to clear the interrupt corresponding to an event number. More...