PDK API Guide for J721E



file  unibase_macros.h
 Utility macros for convenience.


#define UB_SEC_NS   1000000000LL
 one second in unit of nano second More...
#define UB_MSEC_NS   1000000
 one mili second in unit of nano second More...
#define UB_USEC_NS   1000
 one micro second in unit of nano second More...
#define UB_SEC_US   1000000LL
 one second in unit of microsecond More...
#define UB_MSEC_US   1000
 one mili second in unit of microsecond More...
#define UB_SEC_MS   1000
 one second in unit of milisecond More...
#define UB_CHARS_IN_LINE   384
#define UB_BIT(x)   (1U<<(x))
 bit x More...
#define UB_MAX(x, y)   ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
 max(x,y) More...
#define UB_MIN(x, y)   ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
 min(x,y) More...
#define UB_CONSOLE_PRINT(...)
#define UB_DEBUGMEM_PRINT(...)
#define UB_SELECT_PRINT(console, debugmem, ...)
#define UB_LOG(level, ...)
 UB_LOG(level, formt, ...), level is compared to the level in the category which is defined by UB_LOGCAT. More...
#define UB_TLOG(level, ...)
 UB_TLOG add timestamp regardless the timestamp option in the category. More...
#define UB_PRIhexB8   "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X"
 use this to print ub_streamid_t More...
#define UB_ARRAY_B8(x)   (x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3],(x)[4],(x)[5],(x)[6],(x)[7]
#define UB_PRIhexB6   "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X"
 use this to print ub_macaddr_t More...
#define UB_ARRAY_B6(x)   (x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3],(x)[4],(x)[5]
 used with UB_PRIhexB6 More...
#define UB_NON_ZERO_B6(x)   (((x)[0]|(x)[1]|(x)[2]|(x)[3]|(x)[4]|(x)[5])!=0u)
 true if 6-byte binaries are not all zero More...
#define UB_NON_ZERO_B8(x)   (((x)[0]|(x)[1]|(x)[2]|(x)[3]|(x)[4]|(x)[5]|(x)[6]|(x)[7])!=0u)
 true if 8-byte binaries are not all zero More...
#define UB_ALLFF_B6(x)   (((x)[0]&(x)[1]&(x)[2]&(x)[3]&(x)[4]&(x)[5])==0xffu)
 true if 6-byte binaries are all 0xff More...
#define UB_ALLFF_B8(x)   (((x)[0]&(x)[1]&(x)[2]&(x)[3]&(x)[4]&(x)[5]&(x)[6]&(x)[7])==0xffu)
 true if 8-byte binaries are all 0xff More...
#define UB_ABIT8_FIELD(name, s, m)
 two of inline functions: name_bit_field, name_set_bit_field are created for bit opperation on a network bit order endian variable. More...
#define UB_ABIT16_FIELD(name, s, m)
 the same like UB_BIT8_FILED, works on 16-bit variable More...
#define UB_ABIT32_FIELD(name, s, m)
 the same like UB_BIT8_FILED, works on 32-bit variable More...
#define UB_ABIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD(name, s, m)
 inline function: name_toggle_bit_field is created for toggling bit opperation on a network bit order variable. More...
#define UB_ABIT16_TOGGLE_FIELD(name, s, m)
 the same like UB_BIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD, works on 16-bit variable More...
#define UB_ABIT32_TOGGLE_FIELD(name, s, m)
 the same like UB_BIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD, works on 32-bit variable More...
#define UB_TS2NSEC(ts)   (((ts).tv_sec*1000000000)+(ts).tv_nsec)
 convert 'struct timespec' vaule to nanosecond integer More...
#define UB_TS2USEC(ts)   (((ts).tv_sec*1000000)+(ts).tv_nsec/UB_USEC_NS)
 convert 'struct timespec' vaule to microsecond integer More...
#define UB_TS2MSEC(ts)   (((ts).tv_sec*UB_SEC_MS)+(ts).tv_nsec/UB_MSEC_NS)
 convert 'struct timespec' vaule to milisecond integer More...
#define UB_TV2NSEC(tv)   (((tv).tv_sec*1000000000)+(tv).tv_usec*UB_USEC_NS)
 convert 'struct timeval' vaule to nanosecond integer More...
#define UB_TV2USEC(tv)   (((tv).tv_sec*1000000)+(tv).tv_usec)
 convert 'struct timeval' vaule to nanosecond integer More...
#define UB_TV2MSEC(tv)   (((tv).tv_sec*UB_SEC_MS)+(tv).tv_usec/UB_MSEC_US)
 convert 'struct timeval' vaule to milisecond integer More...
#define UB_NSEC2TS(ns, ts)   {(ts).tv_sec=(ns)/1000000000;(ts).tv_nsec=(ns)%1000000000;}
 convert nanosec value to 'struct timespec' vaule More...
#define UB_USEC2TS(us, ts)   {(ts).tv_sec=(us)/1000000;(ts).tv_nsec=((us)%1000000)*UB_USEC_NS;}
 convert microsec value to 'struct timespec' vaule More...
#define UB_MSEC2TS(ms, ts)   {(ts).tv_sec=(ms)/UB_SEC_MS;(ts).tv_nsec=((ms)%UB_SEC_MS)*UB_MSEC_NS;}
 convert milisec value to 'struct timespec' vaule More...
#define UB_NSEC2TV(ns, tv)   {(tv).tv_sec=(ns)/1000000000;(tv).tv_usec=((ns)%1000000000)/UB_USEC_NS;}
 convert nanosec value to 'struct timeval' vaule More...
#define UB_USEC2TV(us, tv)   {(tv).tv_sec=(us)/1000000;(tv).tv_usec=(us)%1000000;}
 convert microsec value to 'struct timeval' vaule More...
#define UB_MSEC2TV(ms, tv)   {(tv).tv_sec=(ms)/UB_SEC_MS;(tv).tv_usec=((ms)%UB_SEC_MS)*UB_MSEC_US;}
 convert milisec value to 'struct timeval' vaule More...
#define UB_TV_DIFF64NS(tv1, tv2)   (UB_TV2NSEC(tv1)-UB_TV2NSEC(tv2))
 tv1-tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TV_ADD64NS(tv1, tv2)   (UB_TV2NSEC(tv1)+UB_TV2NSEC(tv2))
 tv1+tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TS_DIFF64NS(ts1, ts2)   (UB_TS2NSEC(ts1)-UB_TS2NSEC(ts2))
 ts1-ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TS_ADD64NS(ts1, ts2)   (UB_TS2NSEC(ts1)+UB_TS2NSEC(ts2))
 ts1+ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TV_DIFF_TV(rtv, tv1, tv2)
 rtv=tv1-tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TS_DIFF_TS(rts, ts1, ts2)
 rts=ts1-ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TV_ADD_TV(rtv, tv1, tv2)
 rtv=tv1+tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_TS_ADD_TS(rts, ts1, ts2)
 rts=ts1+ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit More...
#define UB_HTONLL(x)
 convert values between host and network byte order. which converts the unsigned integer host long long from host byte order to network byte order. More...
#define UB_NTOHLL(x)
 convert values between host and network byte order. converts the unsigned integer netlong from network byte order to host byte order. More...
#define UB_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, error)   typedef char type[(cond) ? 1 : -1]
 assert during compilation time. When cond is equal to true, no error. Otherwise, compilation error is raised. e.g. UB_STATIC_ASSERT(uint8_t == 1, Uint8InvalidSize) More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define UB_SEC_NS   1000000000LL

one second in unit of nano second


#define UB_MSEC_NS   1000000

one mili second in unit of nano second


#define UB_USEC_NS   1000

one micro second in unit of nano second


#define UB_SEC_US   1000000LL

one second in unit of microsecond


#define UB_MSEC_US   1000

one mili second in unit of microsecond


#define UB_SEC_MS   1000

one second in unit of milisecond


#define UB_CHARS_IN_LINE   384


#define UB_BIT (   x)    (1U<<(x))

bit x


#define UB_MAX (   x,
)    ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))



#define UB_MIN (   x,
)    ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))



#define UB_CONSOLE_PRINT (   ...)
{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
ub_console_debug_select_print(true, false, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73


#define UB_DEBUGMEM_PRINT (   ...)
{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
ub_console_debug_select_print(false, true, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73


{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
ub_console_debug_select_print(true, true, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73


#define UB_SELECT_PRINT (   console,
{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
ub_console_debug_select_print(console, debugmem, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73


#define UB_LOG (   level,
{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
(void)ub_log_print(UB_LOGCAT, 0, level, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73
int ub_log_print(int cat_index, int flags, ub_dbgmsg_level_t level, const char *astr)
print log message

UB_LOG(level, formt, ...), level is compared to the level in the category which is defined by UB_LOGCAT.

UB_LOGCAT must be defined in .c file to indicate the log category index. UB_LOGCAT=0 is reserved as this unibase category. e.g. UB_LOG(UBL_DEBUG, "%s:x=%d\n", func, x); if UBL_DEBUG<="the level in UB_LOGCAT", it is printed


#define UB_TLOG (   level,
{ \
char coutstr[UB_CHARS_IN_LINE]; \
(void)snprintf(coutstr, UB_CHARS_IN_LINE, __VA_ARGS__); \
(void)ub_log_print(UB_LOGCAT, UB_LOGTSTYPE, level, coutstr); \
Definition: unibase_macros.h:73
int ub_log_print(int cat_index, int flags, ub_dbgmsg_level_t level, const char *astr)
print log message

UB_TLOG add timestamp regardless the timestamp option in the category.

◆ UB_PRIhexB8

#define UB_PRIhexB8   "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X"

use this to print ub_streamid_t

used with UB_PRIhexB8


#define UB_ARRAY_B8 (   x)    (x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3],(x)[4],(x)[5],(x)[6],(x)[7]

◆ UB_PRIhexB6

#define UB_PRIhexB6   "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X"

use this to print ub_macaddr_t


#define UB_ARRAY_B6 (   x)    (x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3],(x)[4],(x)[5]

used with UB_PRIhexB6


#define UB_NON_ZERO_B6 (   x)    (((x)[0]|(x)[1]|(x)[2]|(x)[3]|(x)[4]|(x)[5])!=0u)

true if 6-byte binaries are not all zero


#define UB_NON_ZERO_B8 (   x)    (((x)[0]|(x)[1]|(x)[2]|(x)[3]|(x)[4]|(x)[5]|(x)[6]|(x)[7])!=0u)

true if 8-byte binaries are not all zero


#define UB_ALLFF_B6 (   x)    (((x)[0]&(x)[1]&(x)[2]&(x)[3]&(x)[4]&(x)[5])==0xffu)

true if 6-byte binaries are all 0xff


#define UB_ALLFF_B8 (   x)    (((x)[0]&(x)[1]&(x)[2]&(x)[3]&(x)[4]&(x)[5]&(x)[6]&(x)[7])==0xffu)

true if 8-byte binaries are all 0xff


#define UB_ABIT8_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_bit_field(uint8_t x) \
{ return (x >> (s)) & (m); } \
static inline int name##_set_bit_field(uint8_t x, uint8_t v) \
{ return (x & ~((m) << (s))) | ((v & (m)) << (s)) ; }

two of inline functions: name_bit_field, name_set_bit_field are created for bit opperation on a network bit order endian variable.

e.g UB_ABIT8_FIELD(bs, 2, 0x1f),

  • bs_bit_field(v): read 'bit6 to bit2 of 'v'
  • v=bs_set_bit_field(v, 5): set 'bit6 to bit2' of 'v' to 5


#define UB_ABIT16_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_bit_field(uint16_t x) \
{ return (htons(x) >> (s)) & (m); } \
static inline int name##_set_bit_field(uint16_t x, uint16_t v) \
{return ntohs((htons(x) & ~((m) << (s))) \
| ((v & (m)) << (s)));}

the same like UB_BIT8_FILED, works on 16-bit variable


#define UB_ABIT32_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_bit_field(uint32_t x) \
{ return (htonl(x) >> (s)) & (m); } \
static inline int name##_set_bit_field(uint32_t x, uint32_t v) \
{return ntohl((htonl(x) & ~((m) << (s))) \
| ((v & (m)) << (s)));}

the same like UB_BIT8_FILED, works on 32-bit variable


#define UB_ABIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_toggle_bit_field(uint8_t x) \
{return (x ^ ((m) << (s)));}

inline function: name_toggle_bit_field is created for toggling bit opperation on a network bit order variable.

e.g UB_ABIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD(bs, 2, 1),

  • v=bs_toggle_bit_field(v): toggle bit2 at each time of call


#define UB_ABIT16_TOGGLE_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_toggle_bit_field(uint16_t x) \
{return ntohs((htons(x) ^ ((m) << (s))));}

the same like UB_BIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD, works on 16-bit variable


#define UB_ABIT32_TOGGLE_FIELD (   name,
static inline int name##_toggle_bit_field(uint32_t x) \
{return ntohl((htonl(x) ^ ((m) << (s))));}

the same like UB_BIT8_TOGGLE_FIELD, works on 32-bit variable


#define UB_TS2NSEC (   ts)    (((ts).tv_sec*1000000000)+(ts).tv_nsec)

convert 'struct timespec' vaule to nanosecond integer


#define UB_TS2USEC (   ts)    (((ts).tv_sec*1000000)+(ts).tv_nsec/UB_USEC_NS)

convert 'struct timespec' vaule to microsecond integer


#define UB_TS2MSEC (   ts)    (((ts).tv_sec*UB_SEC_MS)+(ts).tv_nsec/UB_MSEC_NS)

convert 'struct timespec' vaule to milisecond integer


#define UB_TV2NSEC (   tv)    (((tv).tv_sec*1000000000)+(tv).tv_usec*UB_USEC_NS)

convert 'struct timeval' vaule to nanosecond integer


#define UB_TV2USEC (   tv)    (((tv).tv_sec*1000000)+(tv).tv_usec)

convert 'struct timeval' vaule to nanosecond integer


#define UB_TV2MSEC (   tv)    (((tv).tv_sec*UB_SEC_MS)+(tv).tv_usec/UB_MSEC_US)

convert 'struct timeval' vaule to milisecond integer


#define UB_NSEC2TS (   ns,
)    {(ts).tv_sec=(ns)/1000000000;(ts).tv_nsec=(ns)%1000000000;}

convert nanosec value to 'struct timespec' vaule


#define UB_USEC2TS (   us,
)    {(ts).tv_sec=(us)/1000000;(ts).tv_nsec=((us)%1000000)*UB_USEC_NS;}

convert microsec value to 'struct timespec' vaule


#define UB_MSEC2TS (   ms,
)    {(ts).tv_sec=(ms)/UB_SEC_MS;(ts).tv_nsec=((ms)%UB_SEC_MS)*UB_MSEC_NS;}

convert milisec value to 'struct timespec' vaule


#define UB_NSEC2TV (   ns,
)    {(tv).tv_sec=(ns)/1000000000;(tv).tv_usec=((ns)%1000000000)/UB_USEC_NS;}

convert nanosec value to 'struct timeval' vaule


#define UB_USEC2TV (   us,
)    {(tv).tv_sec=(us)/1000000;(tv).tv_usec=(us)%1000000;}

convert microsec value to 'struct timeval' vaule


#define UB_MSEC2TV (   ms,
)    {(tv).tv_sec=(ms)/UB_SEC_MS;(tv).tv_usec=((ms)%UB_SEC_MS)*UB_MSEC_US;}

convert milisec value to 'struct timeval' vaule


#define UB_TV_DIFF64NS (   tv1,
)    (UB_TV2NSEC(tv1)-UB_TV2NSEC(tv2))

tv1-tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TV_ADD64NS (   tv1,
)    (UB_TV2NSEC(tv1)+UB_TV2NSEC(tv2))

tv1+tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TS_DIFF64NS (   ts1,
)    (UB_TS2NSEC(ts1)-UB_TS2NSEC(ts2))

ts1-ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TS_ADD64NS (   ts1,
)    (UB_TS2NSEC(ts1)+UB_TS2NSEC(ts2))

ts1+ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TV_DIFF_TV (   rtv,
{ \
int64_t ns_ub_m_=(int64_t)UB_TV_DIFF64NS(tv1,tv2); \
UB_NSEC2TV(ns_ub_m_,rtv); \
#define UB_TV_DIFF64NS(tv1, tv2)
tv1-tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit
Definition: unibase_macros.h:241

rtv=tv1-tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TS_DIFF_TS (   rts,
{ \
int64_t ns_ub_m_=(int64_t)UB_TS_DIFF64NS(ts1,ts2); \
UB_NSEC2TS(ns_ub_m_,rts); \
#define UB_TS_DIFF64NS(ts1, ts2)
ts1-ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit
Definition: unibase_macros.h:247

rts=ts1-ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TV_ADD_TV (   rtv,
{ \
int64_t ns_ub_m_=(int64_t)UB_TV_ADD64NS(tv1,tv2); \
UB_NSEC2TV(ns_ub_m_,rtv); \
#define UB_TV_ADD64NS(tv1, tv2)
tv1+tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit
Definition: unibase_macros.h:244

rtv=tv1+tv2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_TS_ADD_TS (   rts,
{ \
int64_t ns_ub_m_=(int64_t)UB_TS_ADD64NS(ts1,ts2); \
UB_NSEC2TS(ns_ub_m_,rts); \
#define UB_TS_ADD64NS(ts1, ts2)
ts1+ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit
Definition: unibase_macros.h:250

rts=ts1+ts2 in 64-bit nanosecond unit


#define UB_HTONLL (   x)
((1==htonl(1)) ? (x) : ((uint64_t)htonl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | \
htonl((x) >> 32))

convert values between host and network byte order. which converts the unsigned integer host long long from host byte order to network byte order.


#define UB_NTOHLL (   x)
((1==ntohl(1)) ? (x) : ((uint64_t)ntohl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | \
ntohl((x) >> 32))

convert values between host and network byte order. converts the unsigned integer netlong from network byte order to host byte order.


#define UB_STATIC_ASSERT (   cond,
)    typedef char type[(cond) ? 1 : -1]

assert during compilation time. When cond is equal to true, no error. Otherwise, compilation error is raised. e.g. UB_STATIC_ASSERT(uint8_t == 1, Uint8InvalidSize)