PDK API Guide for J721E
CpswMacPort_Obj Struct Reference

Detailed Description

CPSW MAC port object.

Data Fields

EnetMod_Obj enetMod
Enet_MacPort macPort
Enet_Type enetType
uint32_t instId
bool enabled
EnetMacPort_LinkCfg linkCfg

Field Documentation

◆ enetMod

EnetMod_Obj CpswMacPort_Obj::enetMod

EnetMod must be the first member

◆ macPort

Enet_MacPort CpswMacPort_Obj::macPort

MAC port number

◆ enetType

Enet_Type CpswMacPort_Obj::enetType

Ethernet peripheral type. Required to query SoC parameters (clock freq)

◆ instId

uint32_t CpswMacPort_Obj::instId

Peripheral instance number. Required to query SoC parameters (clock freq)

◆ enabled

bool CpswMacPort_Obj::enabled

Whether MAC port is enabled (i.e. PHY is linked)

◆ linkCfg

EnetMacPort_LinkCfg CpswMacPort_Obj::linkCfg

Current speed and duplexity. Valid when 'enabled' field is true