PDK API Guide for J721E
gptpipc_gport_data Struct Reference

Detailed Description

grand master port data. this structure formed with following details:

  1. domainNumber -> used to hold domain number of clock.
  2. portIndex -> integer used to hold port index of clock.
  3. asCapable -> this port in tis time-awaer system can interoperate to the other end of port via the IEEE 802.1AS protocol.
  4. portOper -> True if the port is up and able to send and receive messages.
  5. gmClockId -> If gmPresent is TRUE, gmClockId is the ClockIdentity of the current grandmaster. If gmPresent is FALSE, the value of gmIdentity is 0x0.
  6. annPathSequenceCount -> number of path sequence to grand master
  7. annPathSequence -> array of path sequence to grand master

Data Fields

int32_t domainNumber
int32_t portIndex
ClockIdentity gmClockId
uint8_t asCapable
uint8_t portOper
uint8_t gmStable
uint8_t selectedState
uint64_t pDelay
double pDelayRateRatio
uint8_t annPathSequenceCount
ClockIdentity annPathSequence [MAX_PATH_TRACE_N]

Field Documentation

◆ domainNumber

int32_t gptpipc_gport_data::domainNumber

◆ portIndex

int32_t gptpipc_gport_data::portIndex

◆ gmClockId

ClockIdentity gptpipc_gport_data::gmClockId

◆ asCapable

uint8_t gptpipc_gport_data::asCapable

◆ portOper

uint8_t gptpipc_gport_data::portOper

◆ gmStable

uint8_t gptpipc_gport_data::gmStable

◆ selectedState

uint8_t gptpipc_gport_data::selectedState

◆ pDelay

uint64_t gptpipc_gport_data::pDelay

◆ pDelayRateRatio

double gptpipc_gport_data::pDelayRateRatio

◆ annPathSequenceCount

uint8_t gptpipc_gport_data::annPathSequenceCount

◆ annPathSequence

ClockIdentity gptpipc_gport_data::annPathSequence[MAX_PATH_TRACE_N]