PDK API Guide for J721E
gptpipc_thread_data_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

variables to run gptp ipc thread

  1. ipcthread -> thread variable
  2. ipcstop -> used to stop ipc thread.
  3. pname -> ipc socket node suffix
  4. query_interval -> issue IPC requests in this interval time(msec). if 0, no request.
  5. printdata -> if true, print the IPC data on cosole
  6. ipcfd -> socket descriptor for IPC. if 0, open new socket.
  7. cb -> callback function
  8. cbdata -> callback data
  9. udpport -> udp port number to use UDP for IPC. if 0, use domain socket.
  10. udpaddr -> udp address to use local UDP for IPC. if NULL, use

Data Fields

CB_THREAD_T ipcthread
int ipcstop
char * pname
int query_interval
bool printdata
int ipcfd
gptpipc_cb_t cb
void * cbdata
int udpport
char * udpaddr

Field Documentation

◆ ipcthread

CB_THREAD_T gptpipc_thread_data_t::ipcthread

◆ ipcstop

int gptpipc_thread_data_t::ipcstop

◆ pname

char* gptpipc_thread_data_t::pname

◆ query_interval

int gptpipc_thread_data_t::query_interval

◆ printdata

bool gptpipc_thread_data_t::printdata

◆ ipcfd

int gptpipc_thread_data_t::ipcfd

◆ cb

gptpipc_cb_t gptpipc_thread_data_t::cb

◆ cbdata

void* gptpipc_thread_data_t::cbdata

◆ udpport

int gptpipc_thread_data_t::udpport

◆ udpaddr

char* gptpipc_thread_data_t::udpaddr