TIOVX User Guide

The top level data for graph object. More...

#include <vx_graph.h>

Data Fields

tivx_reference_t base
 The base reference object.
vx_bool verified
 Flag to maintain state of graph verification.
vx_bool reverify
 Flag to maintain state of graph re-verification.
vx_node nodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_NODES]
 Nodes in a graph.
vx_node head_nodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_HEAD_NODES]
 Head Nodes in a graph.
vx_node leaf_nodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_LEAF_NODES]
 Leaf Nodes in a graph.
struct {
   vx_node   node
 The reference to the node which has the parameter.
   uint32_t   index
 The index to the parameter on the node.
   vx_bool   queue_enable
 vx_true_e, enqueue operation is supported on this parameter
   uint32_t   num_buf
 when queue_enable = vx_true_e, this hold the max buffers that can be enqueued
   tivx_data_ref_queue   data_ref_queue
 data ref queue handle when queueing is enabled at this graph parameter
   vx_reference   refs_list [TIVX_OBJ_DESC_QUEUE_MAX_DEPTH]
 references that can be queued into data ref queue
   vx_bool   is_enable_send_ref_consumed_event
 flag to control event send enable/disable
   uint32_t   graph_consumed_app_value
   vx_enum   type
 Set to an enum value in vx_type_e.
 The list of graph parameters.
uint32_t num_params
 The number of graph parameters.
struct {
   vx_node   node
 The reference to the node which has the data ref queue.
   uint32_t   index
 The index to the parameter on the node.
   uint32_t   num_buf
 this hold the max buffers that can be enqueued
   tivx_data_ref_queue   data_ref_queue
 data ref queue handle
   vx_reference   refs_list [TIVX_OBJ_DESC_QUEUE_MAX_DEPTH]
 references that can be queued into data ref queue
 The list of data refs other than graph parameters.
uint32_t num_data_ref_q
 The number of graph parameters.
struct {
   vx_node   node
 The reference to the node which has the data ref queue.
   uint32_t   index
 The index to the parameter on the node.
   tivx_data_ref_queue   data_ref_queue
 data ref queue handle
   vx_delay   delay_ref
 delay associated with this data ref queue
   uint32_t   delay_slot_index
 delay slot index associated with this data ref queue
delay_data_ref_q_list [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_DATA_REF_QUEUE]
 The list of data refs other than graph parameters.
uint32_t num_delay_data_ref_q
 The number of graph parameters.
vx_enum state
 The state of the graph (vx_graph_state_e)
vx_perf_t perf
 The performance logging variable.
vx_delay delays [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_DELAYS]
 The array of all delays in this graph.
vx_rectangle_t in_valid_rect [TIVX_KERNEL_MAX_PARAMS]
 valid rect information for input image's
vx_rectangle_tin_valid_rect_ptr [TIVX_KERNEL_MAX_PARAMS]
 valid rect information for input image's
vx_rectangle_t out_valid_rect [TIVX_PYRAMID_MAX_LEVEL_OBJECTS]
 valid rect information for output image's
vx_rectangle_tout_valid_rect_ptr [TIVX_PYRAMID_MAX_LEVEL_OBJECTS]
 valid rect information for output image's
uint32_t pipeline_depth
 graph pipeline depth
uint32_t streaming_executions
 graph streaming executions
vx_bool is_streaming
 is graph currently streaming
vx_bool is_streaming_enabled
 is streaming enabled for graph
vx_bool trigger_node_set
 trigger node has been set for graph
vx_uint32 trigger_node_index
 index of trigger node
tivx_event delete_done
 event to indicate that streaming is deleted
tivx_event stop_done
 event to indicate that streaming has stopped
tivx_obj_desc_graph_tobj_desc [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_PIPELINE_DEPTH]
 graph object descriptors
tivx_queue free_q
 free graph object descriptors that are ready for scheduling
uintptr_t free_q_mem [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_PIPELINE_DEPTH]
 memory used by free Q
vx_enum schedule_mode
 graph schedule mode as defined by vx_graph_schedule_mode_type_e
vx_bool is_pipelining_enabled
 graph pipelining enabled flag
vx_bool is_pipeline_depth_set
 graph pipeline depth set flag via tivxSetGraphPipelineDepth
uint32_t schedule_pending_count
 number of graph schedule's that are requested but not submitted i.e pending
vx_bool is_enable_send_complete_event
 when true a event is sent when a graph execution is completed
tivx_event all_graph_completed_event
 event to indicate all schedule graphs have finished execution and none are pending
uint32_t submitted_count
 counts the number of graphs schedule or submitted but not yet completed
uint32_t num_data_ref
 number of data references in the graph
vx_reference data_ref [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_DATA_REF]
 list of data references included in this graph
uint8_t data_ref_num_in_nodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_DATA_REF]
 number nodes that take this data reference as input
uint8_t data_ref_num_out_nodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_DATA_REF]
 number nodes that take this data reference as output
tivx_event_queue_t event_queue
tivx_task streaming_task_handle
uint32_t graph_completed_app_value
tivx_super_node supernodes [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_SUPER_NODES]
uint32_t num_supernodes
vx_uint32 timeout_val
 Control API processing Timeout value in milli-sec.

Detailed Description

The top level data for graph object.

Definition at line 43 of file vx_graph.h.

Field Documentation

◆ node

vx_node tivx_graph_t::node

The reference to the node which has the parameter.

The reference to the node which has the data ref queue.

Definition at line 75 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ num_buf

uint32_t tivx_graph_t::num_buf

when queue_enable = vx_true_e, this hold the max buffers that can be enqueued

this hold the max buffers that can be enqueued

Definition at line 81 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ data_ref_queue

tivx_data_ref_queue tivx_graph_t::data_ref_queue

data ref queue handle when queueing is enabled at this graph parameter

data ref queue handle

Definition at line 83 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ graph_consumed_app_value

uint32_t tivx_graph_t::graph_consumed_app_value

Value returned with graph parameter consumed event

Definition at line 89 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ event_queue

tivx_event_queue_t tivx_graph_t::event_queue

Event queue

Definition at line 219 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ streaming_task_handle

tivx_task tivx_graph_t::streaming_task_handle

Streaming task handle

Definition at line 222 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ graph_completed_app_value

uint32_t tivx_graph_t::graph_completed_app_value

Value returned with graph completion event

Definition at line 225 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ supernodes

tivx_super_node tivx_graph_t::supernodes[TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_SUPER_NODES]

References to supernodes in the graph

Definition at line 228 of file vx_graph.h.

◆ num_supernodes

uint32_t tivx_graph_t::num_supernodes

Number of supernodes in the graph

Definition at line 231 of file vx_graph.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: