TIOVX User Guide

The internal representation of a node. More...

#include <vx_node.h>

Data Fields

tivx_reference_t base
 The internal reference object.
vx_graph graph
 The pointer to parent graph.
vx_kernel kernel
 The pointer to the kernel structure.
vx_reference parameters [TIVX_KERNEL_MAX_PARAMS]
 The list of references which are the values to pass to the kernels.
uint32_t pipeline_depth
 pipeline depth of graph this node belongs to
tivx_obj_desc_node_tobj_desc [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_PIPELINE_DEPTH]
 Node Object descriptor.
tivx_obj_desc_cmd_tobj_desc_cmd [TIVX_GRAPH_MAX_PIPELINE_DEPTH]
 Command Object descriptor.
vx_perf_t perf
 Node performance.
vx_bool replicated_flags [TIVX_KERNEL_MAX_PARAMS]
 parameter replicated flags
vx_bool valid_rect_reset
 reset valid rectangle
vx_nodecomplete_f user_callback
 Node completeion callback.
vx_bool is_kernel_created
 to check if kernel is created
void * local_data_ptr
 local data pointer
vx_size local_data_size
 local data size
vx_bool local_data_ptr_is_alloc
 flag to indicate if local_data_ptr is allocated by system TRUE: allocated by system (TIOVX implementation) FALSE: allocated by user, or not allocated
vx_bool local_data_set_allow
 Flag to indicate if local data size and ptr set is allowed.
uint16_t incounter
 used by graph topological sort for internal state keeping
vx_bool is_enable_send_complete_event
 when true a event is sent when a node execution is completed
vx_bool is_enable_send_error_event
 when true a event is sent when a node execution is completed and is an error
vx_bool is_graph_event
 flag to indicate whether event is using graph event queue
vx_bool is_context_event
 flag to indicate whether event is using context event queue
uint32_t parameter_index_num_buf [TIVX_KERNEL_MAX_PARAMS]
 number of buffer to allocate at a node parameter Valid only for output parameters and when graph containing the node is pipelined. Default is 1
uint32_t node_completed_app_value
 Value returned with node completion event.
uint32_t node_error_app_value
 Value returned with node error event.
vx_bool is_super_node
 flag to indicate whether node is a placeholder for a super node
tivx_super_node super_node
 The pointer to the super node that this node references.
vx_uint32 timeout_val
 Control API processing Timeout value in milli-sec.
vx_uint32 node_depth
 Depth of a given node.

Detailed Description

The internal representation of a node.

Definition at line 45 of file vx_node.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: