VXLIB Function Reference


  1. Introduction
  2. Notational Conventions
  3. OpenVX 1.1 Vision Functions
    1. Absolute Difference
    2. Accumulate
    3. Accumulate Squared
    4. Accumulate Weighted
    5. Arithmetic Addition
    6. Arithmetic Subtraction
    7. Bitwise AND
    8. Bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR
    9. Bitwise INCLUSIVE OR
    10. Bitwise NOT
    11. Box Filter
    12. Canny Edge Detector
    13. Channel Combine
    14. Channel Extract
    15. Color Convert
    16. Convert Bit depth
    17. Custom Convolution
    18. Dilate Image
    19. Equalize Histogram
    20. Erode Image
    21. Fast Corners
    22. Gaussian Filter
    23. Non Linear Filter
    24. Harris Corners
    25. Histogram
    26. Gaussian Image Pyramid
    27. Laplacian Image Pyramid
    28. Reconstruction from a Laplacian Image Pyramid
    29. Integral Image
    30. Magnitude
    31. Mean and Standard Deviation
    32. Median Filter
    33. Min, Max Location
    34. Optical Flow Pyramid (LK)
    35. Phase
    36. Pixel-wise Multiplication
    37. Remap
    38. Scale Image
    39. Sobel 3x3
    40. TableLookup
    41. Thresholding
    42. Warp Affine
    43. Warp Perspective


VXLIB provides a collection of C-callable high-performance routines that are developed to be compatible with the kernels defined in the Khronos OpenVX specificaiton. These functions exploit the high performance capabilities of Texas Instruments DSPs.

All functions in VXLIB have been developed for a little-endian memory model. Some may work in a big-endian memory model as well, however, their functionality is not guaranteed.

Notational Conventions

All functions within VXLIB following the naming conventions described below.

  1. Each function begins with the prefix VXLIB_. This serves to prevent namespace conflicts.
  2. The prefix is followed by an English functional descriptor. The functional descriptor was chosen to follow the descriptor used in OpenVX node API, where applicable.
  3. Further description after the English words (i.e. variants, border modes, bit depths, numbers) are separated by underscores: '_'
  4. All kernels use UNDEFINED border modes, unless specified by the following convention:
    bc=constant border mode
    br=replicate border mode
  5. Filter kernel or window sizes are MxN format (e.g. 3x3).
  6. Conversion of channels/bit depths are XtoY format (e.g. 4to1, 8to16).
  7. Data types of buffer parameters come last in the kernel name, and use the following codes:
  8. Scalar inputs/outputs, lists, and scratch buffers are not part of the name.

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